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How To Fillet Aloe Vera

This video will teach you how to filet aloe vera leaves to make your own Aloe vera gel.

YouTube video

Filleting an Aloe vera leaf is the difference between making gel and juice. Aloe vera juice is made from the whole leaf, including the outer leaf that contains the bitter yellow substance known as aloin. Aloin is the phytochemical that is often cautiously used, by drinking aloe juice, as a laxative. I say “cautiously” because dosing for use as a laxative can be difficult and is not advised as severe diarrhea and cramping can occur.

But Aloe vera gel is the inner leaf only. By cutting away the outer leaf, you are removing most of the yellowish aloin substance making the gel palatable, healthy, and safe for consumption in much larger servings.


When you purchase Aloe #1® Aloe Vera Gel Health Drink from Haley Nutrition, You are buying nearly this exact same process in a bottle. We might not grab the fillets with our bare hands in the factory… and we use industrial grinding equipment… and stainless steel fillet tables… and a huge chiller and heat transfer unit to make the gel cold quickly before filling the containers. But, for the most part, the product is the same… so long as you too are using leaves from the best Barbadensis-Miller Stockton species and the technique from the above video.

I have watched many aloe vera fillet videos and have yet to find one that does it correctly! (I suppose others have learned from ours by now and are making similar videos). But if you aren’t going to take the time to make your own, getting it from us is the next best option.

We provide the NEXT BEST to homemade. We have cut and filleted the leaves for you, we ran them through a grinder, bottled the gel, and froze it. We did not filter, heat, or use preservatives. It truly is the next best thing and you can get it right here:

Do you have an aloe vera experience to tell us about? Please use the section below to tell us about it.

Aloe You Too!

8 thoughts on “How To Fillet Aloe Vera

    Can I consume the whole leaf-drop it in my smoothy? Recently I read of a product that used the whole leaves.

      When people consume the whole leaf, they have smaller amounts because it is bitter and has a laxative effect. To me, it’s like eating a banana without peeling it… or an orange… probably not what was intended.

    hello, thank you for the tips.
    Do you know if aloe vera is efficient against vitiligo?
    Thank you very much.

      I am not aware of any studies relating Aloe vera to benefits against vitiligo.

    Hi, so when I took an aloe leaf off my aloe plant the aloe Smelled like onions and turned orange and red is that normal?

    Hi there
    I’m on a low methionine diet as a protocol and some of my supplement drops make my mouth raw. I want to know if the methionine has been measured (like other foods) to see how best I can use your product for treatment. Maybe I’ll only be able to rub the aloe leaf on soreness but hope I can drink it too. Help

      For mouth sores, swish your aloe before you swallow.

    Is aloin good for your skin ?

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