Stockton Brand Aloe is hand Cut and Filleted 100% Pure Unfiltered Raw Aloe Vera Gel… nothing added, never heated. You get the gel with the pulp in it.

Our manual processing techniques prevent the outer leaf anthraquinone contamination. The filets are run through a low speed grinder to turn them into a drinkable gel. From there, the gel passes through a “Heat Transfer Unit” where the temperature drops about 40 degrees. From there, the aloe gel is put into containers that are put into the freezer. We ship the aloe frozen to directly to you.

Make sure you consume raw thawed aloe vera within 10 days for maximum benefit… or, pour it into smaller containers for re-freezing; That way, you can take the smaller portions out as needed. It is fine to refreeze aloe vera. It is the total thawed time that you want to be concerned about. Remember, every time you thaw and refreeze uses up some of your thawed time. That is why you should portion it in usable amounts consistent with your consumption plan.

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