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Aloe Vera Gel

Barbadensis Miller Stockton Species

The name “aloe” is the genus within the Lilly family that aloe vera comes from. Whether aloe belongs in the Lilly family is in debate. In 2003, the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group changed aloe to the Asphodelaceae family. But not all taxonomists recognize the Asphodelaceae family. So for all practical purposes, for now, aloe is still in the Lilly family as it historically has been.

Aloe is a succulent plant. That is, the aloe leaves hold large amounts of water. In the case of Aloe vera, it is the liquid in the leaves that gets so much attention for its nutrition and healing properties.

Aloe Vera

vera – (L.) of “verus”, true.

There are over 200 known species of aloe and over 2,000 varieties. Aloe Vera, or “true aloe” is the most well known and widely used species of aloe. It is the gel within the leaves that makes the aloe vera plant so useful. It is applied to the skin and used internally as a drink or in capsules for medicinal and nutritional reasons.

Aloe Vera Gel

The leaves of the aloe vera plant contain a gel. Although the outer leaf also contains phytochemicals that have been used medicinally, it is the gel within the leaf, or, aloe vera gel, that makes the aloe plant such a popular “cure all”. This precious aloe vera gel has been used for treating everything from mosquito bites to cancer.

Aloe vera gel is used externally to promote tissue healing in all kinds of skin conditions. Aloe Vera Gel’s anti inflammatory properties make it a popular choice for conditions such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema. The healing properties of aloe make it ideal for cuts, scrapes, sun burns, radiation burns, chemical burns, and more. These and other benefits make aloe vera gel a popular ingredient in cosmetics and cosmeceuticals.

Aloe vera gel is also consumed internally as a nutrition beverage, as a supplement, and even medicinally. As a beverage, 100% pure aloe vera gel provides a spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that make it a superior natural nutritional beverage. Modern processing and dehydration has made supplemental aloe vera gel available in a powder form. Many nutrition companies use the aloe vera powder as a component in their powdered superfood products or in capsules as a supplement. The aloe vera powder has also been reconstituted in nutrition beverages and sports drinks. Most health care professionals agree that true unadultered aloe vera gel nothing added is the superior form. However, aloe vera powder provides a nice convenience where taste and palatability are a concern.

The many benefits and availability of aloe beverages and capsules have made aloe not only a popular supplement to promote health and prevent illness, but also as a treatment for various illnesses and diseases. For years aloe vera gel has been recommended by alternative healthcare providers for its immune boosting effects for people with aids, hepatitis, various cancers, and many other illnesses. More recently, with the increase in aloe research and its promising results, aloe vera gel has been making its way into mainstream medicine.

Barbadensis-Miller-Stockton Species

Not all aloe vera gels are the same. With over 200 species of aloe and a couple thousand varieties, the phytochemical spectrums of the varieties will certainly vary. Furthermore, cross pollination, climate, soil, harvesting techniques, commercial processing, and plant maturity all affect the cosmeceutical and nutritional properties of the aloe vera products they make.

Most aloe varieties used for health purposes come from the Barbadensis-Miller species of aloe. From this species, the rare Barbadensis-Miller-Stockton species has been a popular choice among many healthcare professionals for its health and healing potential. The Barbadensis-Miller-Stockton species of aloe vera has been researched since 1953 by aloe pioneer and scientist Mr. Rodney Stockton. Mr. Stockton believed that only 100% pure aloe vera gel unadulterated should be used for treating disease to achieve maximum results.

Frozen Aloe Vera Gel

Mr. Rodney Stockton was the first to commercialize “Fresh Frozen Aloe Vera Gel Health Drink”. By harvesting and immediately freezing the precious aloe vera gel, Mr. Stockton was able to distribute aloe vera gel unadulterated and with freshness preserved. This allowed him to stabilize the nutritional value without using preservatives or processing techniques including dehydration.

Author: Dr. Michael Haley
Stockton Aloe 1, Inc.

Aloe You Too!